Hold onto your racehorses ZED Headz because the much anticipated shake up to racing is almost here!
Introducing an all new system where racehorses can earn XP(Experience Points) to Level Up and move into higher classes. The class system as you know it is being refined to allow for a more engaging racing experience for everyone (current stable owners and new) by matching racehorses of similar competitive range.
Rolling out in the next few weeks, the initial update includes the foundations of the new system (explained below). Follow up features such as class based tournaments, handicap racing and more ways to earn XP and win rewards will then be incorporated.
How it works
We want to make sure the game is fun for everyone, so the new system takes the unique characteristics of each racehorse breed, and uses them to define their evolution grade (Evo) and Level. These new features will determine the class where your racehorse will be able to race, leading to more competitive classes where you can race against racehorses of similar caliber. If your racehorse earns enough XP, it will then be able to upgrade and move classes.
What’s New
To help you understand more about the new system, here’s a rundown of the in-game features that support it:
Every racehorse will be able to earn XP (experience points) from any race. You can measure how your racehorse is progressing using the XP bar next to your racehorse, and fill the XP bar to reach the next level. The amount of XP earned is based on a racehorse’s class, race position and any applicable entry fee. In other words, racing in higher classes, placing higher positions and/or entering in paid races will earn more XP.
A new grading based on racehorse’s breed type, this determines the maximum level your racehorse can reach. For instance, a Pacer breed’s max level is either 100, 200 or 300 based on whether it is an Evo 1, 2 or 3, while Genesis breeds are always an Evo 6 and can reach up to max level 700.
All racehorses will have Levels which are a calculation of a racehorse’s unique statistics. To Level Up faster, earn XP from any race, the amount needed will depend on the racehorses bloodline.
With Evo and Levels as the foundation of the new class system, racehorses with similar statistics and Levels will be grouped together. Racehorses that Level Up enough will be able to upgrade, and race in higher classes. In this initial update, racehorses will only be able to race in their own class, but there will be a future update that enables handicap racing. The class system provides more transparency around your competitors.
All newly bred racehorses will have a starting level and a max level cap based on their parents starting statistics. Your racehorse’s breed type and bloodline will define how high in the class system your racehorse can go, and how fast you’ll reach the top of the class. To discover the Evo, Class and Level, of your newly bred racehorse, it must complete one Griffin race (that’s right, only one).
We’re excited about what lies ahead for ZED Run, and hope you are too. Stay tuned and ready your stable to enjoy an all new racing experience!

What is the new racing system?
An updated racing system where all racehorses can earn XP from any race to level up and upgrade into higher classes.
Why should I level up?
Levelling up improves a racehorse's average speed to be more competitive in the renewed class system.
How will levelling up work?
Each class will be using an S curve for XP requirement which defines the rate of how fast a racehorse can level up within their class. This means lower level racehorses will be able to progress faster to the middle of their class, while racehorses towards the top of their class will progress slower.
The higher the class a racehorse reaches, the more the XP is required to level up within a class.
Based on racehorse Evo, if a racehorse’s level is capped, this means it can be upgraded to the next class to continue earning XP. However, if the racehorse’s level is maxed, this means the racehorse will not be able to earn further XP defined by its Evo.
Why should I class up?
Racehorses can stay in their class and remain competitive or with a high enough level can upgrade into a higher class. With future updates, racehorses will be able to earn better and more reward types for being in higher classes.
How does this impact classes?
The class system has been redesigned from using race history to now segmenting all racehorses based on their new level derived from a calculation of its stats.
What is staying and what is going?
All instances of class points will be replaced with Levels, derived from a calculation of its stats.
Discovery races will be removed. Racehorses must complete only one Griffin race to discover its Evo, Class and Level.
Why is this better than the current Class Points?
Players will no longer be able to exploit the system by deliberately downclassing and racing in races where they should not be.
Poor performing racehorses will now be able to progress in the game to increase their overall potential value, de-risking trading (especially for new players) and breeding outcomes.
How does this impact discovery and breeding?
Discovery races will be removed. Racehorses will only need to race their first Griffin race to discover a horse's Evo, Level and Class.
Evo will distinguish breed types even more clearly with varying max levels defining its competitiveness.
Breed type and bloodline become even more valuable for racehorses as it defines how high in the class system your racehorse can reach and bloodline defines how fast you will reach the top of the class.
What happens to my current racehorses?
All current racehorses that have raced will not need to re-run Griffin and will have levels based on a calculation of their stats. XP for all horses will start at 0.