Super Breeds are here - this brand new feature is sure to shake things up in the ZED RUN ecosystem!
What is a Super Breed?
While it may not have the gold ‘S’ on its chest or red cape flapping in the wind, a Super Breed is a highly specialised racehorse with a higher starting level than a normal breed, an improved breed type, and either extreme distance preference or stability. Best of all, every ZED RUN stable owner has the potential to breed one.
In plain English - these babies are fire!! They are fantastic racehorses with the potential to dominate on the track and in stud. The race to breed the first one is ON!!
Creating a Super Breed
Once you’ve selected the racehorse you want to breed, you’ll notice a Super Breed indicator will appear, highlighting the racehorse's ability to produce a Super Breed.
While all racehorses have the ability to produce a Super Breed, breeding specifically between two Genesis racehorses will increase the likelihood of this happening.

New Pricing Structure
The introduction of Super Breeds has also led to an update in the game's base breeding prices, which now reflect the value of breed type used in the breeding equation, as well as the added value of breeding a Super Breed. The new base breeding prices can be found on the ZED RUN Guide.
The addition of Super Breeds to the game of ZED RUN opens up a whole new world of opportunity for competitive play. With the potential to breed a higher calibre racehorse, all stable owners now have the chance to create the next champion racehorse.
So, what are you waiting for? Get breeding and see if you can create the next Super Breed champion! Happy breeding!
For more information, head to the Guide.