A great part of ZED RUN has always been our stellar community, from the tool makers and content creators to the passionate racehorse owners! This week, we celebrate the generosity of well known stable owner and community member East Coast Stables (ECS), who gifted a racehorse to Swiftdeath8 on Twitter as a random act of kindness to improve a newer stable.
“One of the driving factors that keeps people engaged in ZED RUN is the community.” East Coast Stables
ECS, who started his ZED journey in April 2021, understands how important and helpful the community can be; coming on Discord or Twitter as a new player with a million questions can be intimidating, but much less so when there are stable owners willing to share their wisdom and offer assistance.

When asked where the inspiration to build and contribute to the community comes from, ECS referred to his own beginnings: “From the first day I stepped into ZED RUN Discord, stable owners were extremely helpful, and willing to dedicate their time to answering questions. You still see that today, it’s expanded to custom races, Twitter spaces, as well as real life meetups.”
When the Twitter algorithm brought a tweet to ECS’s attention in which Swiftdeath8 was asking for a price check on a ZED RUN racehorse, he chose to check her page. “After a bit of scrolling I could tell there was genuine excitement behind the game and wanting to win,” he explained, which inspired him to give her Universal Brilliance, a Z6 elite Nakamoto colt with a solid lineage.
“I’ve never encountered a community where some of the biggest names are willing to take the time to give advice.” Swiftdeath8
Swiftdeath8, owner of Super Sonic Stables, first got into ZED RUN at the beginning of 2022, but she started getting more involved the last three months. As a newer player, two key aspects of the community made a major difference in the game for her: the use of community stat sites like Hawku and KnowYourHorses, and the quick answers and helpful feedback freely given by other stables on social media.
When asked if she had encountered other random acts of kindness in the community before ECS’s gift, Swiftdeath8 explained she had seen racehorse giveaways for smaller stables before, in addition to receiving helpful responses whenever she had a question or needed insight. She was familiar with ECS through his tweets, but she had no idea she would be on the receiving end of such a kind and generous gift.
Her reaction was relatable; she explained, “I was shocked and excited. It took me a minute to realise it was real. I spent a solid five minutes just staring at the Tweet, then checked my stable…. this completely changed my plan for my stable, for the better.”