Metaverse Cup: Skin reveal, new racetracks, and soon-to-come Group Stage
ZLEAD Talk: Undisputed, six time champion Zab Judah and SmileyJoeLear join Danshan and Kingpin Racing
Tool Creator Spotlight Series: Featuring Danshan and Zlead
ZED Knights: ZED RUNdown comes to life every Friday
Top Racehorse Sales: Jordan, Juniper, Pearly Tour, P B and J, Stereo
Budweiser Event: Budverse Holiday Stakes - RSVP now
Community Achievements: Max, Interstellar, and CMRD’s Mane Event
Metaverse Cup: Skin Reveal and New Racetracks

After a successful mint-out of our unrevealed Metaverse Cup skins last week, this week brought the next round of excitement: the reveal! Finally, the gorgeous rare skins for each of the 32 countries can be seen in their proper glory on and off the racetrack.
And speaking of racetracks, we’ve got four all new Metaverse Cup themed tracks to race on, based on our sponsors. Look out for the ZED Token, Human Park, Anomoura, and Footium Metaverse Cup 2022 tracks, and make sure to watch the races in their 3D glory!
To chat and strategise with your Metaverse Cup teammates, hop into the ZED Run Discord and head to the team discussion channel, where you’ll find 32 subsections based on the skins and countries for the Metaverse Cup! You can find all of the details on the team challenges here, and the Group Stage begins November 20 UTC.
Zlead Talk with special guest, Zab Judah
This week, Danshan and Kingpin Racing hosted a Twitter Spaces where they discussed all the latest in ZED RUN, including the Metaverse Cup, recent tournament improvements, upcoming class system changes, and more!
Former professional boxer, six time champion and total legend, Zab Judah and manager Smiley Joe Lear joined to discuss Zab’s boxing, training and his newfound passion for ZED RUN. They're so bullish on ZED RUN that SmileyJoe’s making plans to onboard more celebrities/athletes. Check out the recording of the Spaces here.
Tool Creator Spotlight Series Featuring Zlead

Continuing our endeavour to showcase the best and brightest tools and their creators, this week we’re highlighting Zlead, a sharp analytical tool for racing and breeding made by well-known community member Danshan! Check out the article here.
ZED Knights
Tune in tonight for a smorgasboard of content, including 30 minutes of solid ZED RUN highlights from the past week. Friday 18 Nov, 6pm ET.
Top Racehorse Sales
A lot of healthy sales happening this week. Congrats to all new racehorse owners - can't wait to see you on the track or in stud!
Jordan: 18 ETH
Juniper: 16 ETH
Pearly Tour: 15.65 ETH
P B and J: 6.75 ETH
Stereo: 6 ETH
Budverse Holiday Stakes
We're finalising RSVPs for what will be a magical evening of beer, food, ZED RUN custom races, Clydesdale parades, holiday light displays, meetups and brewery tours. Come along and enjoy this exclusive event.
Community Achievements
A massive congratulations to Max’s Crazeee Thoroughbreds for grabbing their first 100 wins, Interstellar DNA reaching 1000 wins, and Catch Me Ridin’ Derby’s Mane Event to be the first racehorse on the platform to hit 1000 wins!
Tag us here with your next stable milestone so we can hype you up in the next RUNdown 🫡
Max | Crazeee Thoroughbreds: 100 Wins
Interstellar DNA: 2000 Wins
Mane Event (Catch Me Ridin’ Derby): First Horse to 1000 Wins